Study of lead ore deposits in India
October 17, 2013
Field works
In the south of India in the state of Karnataka, whose capital is Bangalore, there are deposits of galena, the main lead ore mineral. The deposits of galena formed here as a result of hydrothermal processes present in ore veins and other various ore bodies.
The objective of MELAZ-Systems Engineering LTD was prospecting for lead ore. To perform this task it was decided to use the GROT 12 GPR produced by Timer CJSC because it is a professional georadar, which combines high resolution and great penetration depth.
In the vicinity of the studied spot the pond is formed at the place of abandoned mining:
New inexperienced operators have easily mastered the GROT 12 control program and our GPR scanning technology. During the studies different operators and interested members of the expedition managed to work with GROT 12.
It is always exciting to use GROT 12 because the result of the GPR scanning is immediately visible on the monitor of the control computer as a detailed color radargram. Often this primary radargram or GROT 12 is enough to figure out whether the objects of interest in a given place or there is a need to move on. If anomalies of interest are found then straight away the decision may be made for additional study of the spot.
In this case the GPR scanning was made in four parallel tracks:
As a result of this work the radargrams mapping a galena deposit were obtained.
The vein of galena was clearly displayed in the GROT program in three-dimensional visualization.
There are outlines of the ore vein rising from the depths to levels close to the surface that is mapped from 18 to 35 meter of the track.
The three-dimensional visualization helps to assess if the exploration of an ore deposit is commercially viable.
We are grateful to MELAZ-Systems Engineering LTD for the materials.