the principles of grot 12 creation

Ground penetrating radars, which are produced according to the traditional scheme and use quasi-monochromatic signals, can provide a probing depth of only a few meters, even under condition that soils absorb radio waves very weakly (the parameters of such soils are to be close to dry sand’s ones), and that makes these devices extremely inefficient for usage in central Russia or other places, where clay soils prevail.

the inverse problem and its solution for grot type ground penetrating radars

The physical work principles of all georadars are the same. To get the information about the medium it is necessary to solve the inverse problem. The solution of the three-dimensional inverse problem of creating the image of the subsurface soil structure is extremely difficult because of great computing resources being needed. At the same time, it is the solution of the inverse problem in the complete formulation, which means that it is based on the Maxwell's equations sampling and sustainable solutions finding, that allows automating the process of data interpretation of GPR scanning.

are the grot georadars safe?

Daily performing a large amount of experimental work our specialists were the first to formulate common concerns of the GROT GPR users: "How dangerous is radiation of powerful GPR transmitters for nearby people?" and "Is it safe for an operator to work with the GROT georadar regularly, on a day-to-day basis?"


  1. Reznikov A.E., Kopeikin V.V., Morozov P.А., Schekotov А.U. Development of equipment, data processing methods for electromagnetic subsurface probing and experiments with their application. Physics-Uspekhi, 2000, Volume 170, №5.

  2. E.A.Rudenchik, L.B. Volkomirskaya, A.E. Reznikov, V.I. Sakhterov The analytical representation of the 3D antenna radiation field in ground-penetrating radar. Uspekhi sovremennoy radioelectroniki. 2009, No. 1-2, pp. 29-38.

  3. E.A.Rudenchik, L.B. Volkomirskaya, and A.E. Reznikov. Investigation of Propagation of Signals in One-Dimensional Electrodynamics for Interpreting Electromagnetic Sounding Data. Consideration of the Analytical Properties of Permittivity. Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2008, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1-18. 

  4. E.A.Rudenchik, L.B. Volkomirskaya, and A.E. Reznikov. Study of Signal Propagation in One-Dimensional Electrodynamics for Interpreting Electromagnetic Sounding Data. Consideration of Conductivity in the Function of Permittivity. Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2008, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 1-14. 

  5. E.A.Rudenchik, L.B. Volkomirskaya, and A.E.Reznikov. Array Current Reconstruction by Surface Wave Measurements. Two-Dimensional Approximation. Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2008, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 1-10.

  6. E.A.Rudenchik, L.B. Volkomirskaya, A.E.Reznikov, and E.G.Bezrukova. Analytical Representation of the Surface Wave Generated by Antenna at the Interface between two Homogeneous Media. Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2010, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1-9.

  7.  Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A., Varenkov V.V., Reznikov A.E., Sachterov V.I. Modern georadars of the GROT series for ecological monitoring. Ecological Systems and Devices, 2012, No. 5, pp. 1-3.

  8. Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A., Reznikov A.E.  Results of ground-penetrating radar studies of abandoned underground workings and assessment of the effects of their degradation by the example of the coal mines of South Wales (Australia) and Rostov Region (Russia). Ecological Systems and Devices, 2012, No. 5, pp. 6-15.

  9. Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A., Musalev D.N. The potentialities of ground-penetrating radar in the engineering geology using the radars GROT-12 and GROT-12E Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-1669, 2013, EGU General Assembly 2013.

  10. Liudmila Volkomirskaya, Oxana Gulevich, Eugene Rudenchik. Ground-penetrating radar in media with dispersion. The dependence of the amplitude and the pulse shape of GPR on the media dispersion. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013, 81 p. ISBN 978-3-659-35367-3

  11. Volkomirskaya L.B., Varenkov V.V., Lyakhov G.A., Musalev D.N., Reznikov A.E., Rudenchik E.A., Sakhterov V.I. Numerical and natural experiment on georadiolocation: prospects of applications for Lunar soils sensing. Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2013, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 1–17.

  12. Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A., Limanskii A.V., Reznikov A.E.  The method of spatial localization of combustion zones in coal rock dumps (heaps). Ecological Systems and Devices, 2014, No. 11, pp. 40-55.

  13. Balabin R.V., Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A., Krivosheev N.V., Lyakhov G.A., Musalev D.N., Reznikov A.E., Safieva R.Z., Semyonov S.N. Georadar Sensing from Terrestrial Surface and Shafts: Approaches to Evaluation of Rock Fracturing . Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2015, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 143–153.

  14. Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A. The study of water resources by remote UWB GPR method. Ecological Systems and Devices, 2015, No. 6, pp. 3-16.

  15. Bogoyavlenskii V.I., Volkomirskaya L.B., Varenkov V.V., Gulevich O.A., Reznikov A.E., Sachterov V.I.  Study of a crater on the Yamal Peninsula on 10 November 2014 using GROT 12 and GROT 12H georadars. Proceedings of the conference "Development of the Arctic - a new milestone in the development of national science and innovation", 3 – 6 December 2014, Salekhard, Yamalo-Nenets District. Scientific Bulletin of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, 2015, No. 2(87).

  16. Volkomirskaya L., Gulevich O. Location of groundwater and distant detection of water pollution with a use of GROT 12 superpowerful monopulse ground-penetrating radar. International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE2015), Beijing, China, July 25-28, 2015

  17. Gulevich O.A., Varenkov V.V., Volkomirskaya L.B., Lyahov G.A., Reznikov A.E., Rudenchik E.A., Sachterov V.I. The method and system of GPR logging. Invention patent number 2550773 on request №2014106905 / 28 / (010 958) dated 25.02.2014.

  18. Volkomirskaya L.B.,  Gulevich O.A. GROT 12 uncovers secrets of the Earth.  The study with radars of  giant crater on the Yamal Peninsula. Information-analytical magazine "Radio-electronic technology", 2015, No. 3, pp. 75-77.

  19. Bunkin F.V., Belov A.I., Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A., Drachenko V.N., Zhornikov A.K., Kuznetsov G.N., Lyakhov G.A., Petnikov V.G., Reznikov A.E., Sinilschikov I.V. Technologies of Seismic Acoustic and Electromagnetic Monitoring of Soils for Prospecting and Controlling Hydrocarbon Production: Arctic Shelf, Hard-To-Extract Reserves, and Distributed Deposites. Physics of Wave Phenomena. 2016. Vol.24. No. 3, pp. 1-30.

  20. Gulevich O.A. Ultrabroadband Electromagnetic Pulse and Dynamic Permittivity of Medium. Physics of Wave Phenomena. 2016. Vol.24. No. 4, pp. 1-5.

  21. Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A., Reznikov A.E. Effect of Medium Electrophysical Parameters and their Temperature Dependences on Wideband Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2017, Vol.57, No. 2, pp. 242-249.

  22. Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A., Varenkov V.V., Sachterov V.I. Requirements for the Performance of a Ground-Penetrating Radar System in Searching for Cavities. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2018, Vol.59, No. 4, pp. 541-552.

  23. L.B. Volkomirskaya,  O.A. Gulevich, G.A. Lyakhov,  A.E. Reznikov. Deep georadiolocation. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2019. No. 4. Available at
    DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.4.6

  24. Gulevich O.A. About scanning depth in georadiolocation considering the phenomenon of interference. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2020. No.9. (In Russian)

  25. Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A., Reznikov A.E. The influence of the type of pulse on the possibility of logging radiosounding. Russian Geology and Geophysics. 2020. Vol.61. No.11. P.1320-1329.

  26. Gulevich O.A., Volkomirskaya L.B., Varenkov V.V., Reznikov A.E., Trigubovich G.M., Chernyshev A.V. Study of the electrical conductivity distribution in the cryolithozone based on the data of the method of reflected electromagnetic waves (MREW). Zhurnal Radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics]. 2021. No.9

  27. O.A. Gulevich, E.P. Kaigorodov, G.A. Lyakhov, A.E. Reznikov, V.V. Varenkov, and L.B. Volkomirskaya. Experimental Study of a Deep Oil and Gas Deposit by the Method of Reflected Electromagnetic Waves. Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2021, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 311–320.

  28. Gulevich O.A., Volkomirskaya L.B., Mingalev I.V., Suvorova Z.V., Akhmetov O.I., Mingalev O.V., Reznikov A.E. Propagation of video pulse signals in dissipative media. Zhurnal radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics] [online]. 2021. №11. (In Russian)

  29. O. A. Gulevich, L. B. Volkomirskaya, I. V. Mingalev, V. V. Varenkov, Z. V. Suvorova, O. I. Akhmetov, O. V. Mingalev, and A. E. Reznikov. Results of numerical modelling of the problem of video pulse ground penetrating radar research in freshwater bodies. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2022, vol 22, no. 4.

  30. Kilpio E.Yu., Shcherbakov I.A. On the results in physics obtained in 2020-2021. // Doklady Physics. 2022. Vol. 506. No. 2. Pp. 3-33. DOI: 10.31857/S2686740022070069 (p. 24)

  31. Gulevich O.A., Volkomirskaya L.B., Varenkov V.V., Reznikov A.E. Searching for a gold-quartz vein in the permafrost zone using deep ground-penetrating radar. Zhurnal radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics] [online]. 2023. №1. (In Russian)

  32. Volkomirskaya L.B., Gulevich O.A. Method of deep georadar and device for its implementation. Patent for invention No. 2816128 dated March 26, 2024.

  33. Gulevich O.A., Volkomirskaya L.B., Kaygorodov E.P. Results of velocity analysis of ECDP experimental data in the permafrost zone. Journal of Radio Electronics. 2024. №. 12. (In Russian)

  34. Gulevich O.A., Volkomirskaya L.B., Kaygorodov E.P. (2024). Deeply penetrating GPR surveys: experience of kinematic data interpretation. Russian Geology and Geophysics, DOI: 10.2113/RGG20244792.