The works with GROT type georadars in Russia

November 10, 2009

In Russia and other countries, where there are a lot of fresh water areas, the use of ground penetrating radars allows solving many problems of exploration of inert materials from the surface of bodies of water relatively inexpensively. The task of finding lenses of clay and distinguishing various fractions of gravel and sandy soils is relevant for the entire regional industry of local building materials. We have developed float-antennas that allow carrying out scanning on the surface of swamps, lakes and navigable rivers on floating facilities equipped with engines or without them. The full pulse waveform registration speed till the time delays of 1000 ns is more than 100 scans per second, which doesn’t limit the speed. The obtained information is transmitted (for example, via Bluetooth) to a personal computer in real time and can be interpreted and, if required, converted during the scanning process.

A large amount of work dealt with searching hidden passages, tunnels and optimal places for water boreholes drilling, determining the status of the space around the water shafts, engineering geology, which can be used to estimate the area bearing capacity before building the house foundation, and sand and gravel mineral resources amounts estimation. GROT 12 type GPR can be used to locate the pebbles, boulders and other congestion zones. For such works GPR scanning method is indispensable.